Monday, January 28, 2008

Saving Evanston's Branch Libraries

The City of Evanston is once again threatening to shut down the city's two branch libraries.

Though these libraries serve thousands of people, young and old, the City is once again claiming a "budget crisis".

For Senior Citizens, the closing of the branch libraries might mean being cut off from the joys of reading even the daily newspaper and a local source of socialization. Instead, Seniors would be forced to drive downtown and its hassles with traffic and parking. Ironically, the City of Evanston found the money to hire a "sustainability" director to find ways of reducing pollution, but seeks to increase automobile use. Wisdom in action. Of course, some city official, elected or staff, will suggest using public transportation . . . a truly brilliant suggestion to make to Seniors in winter.

For parents of young children, the story is the same. Mothers in particular will be urged to gather their little ones together for a trip downtown. Yes, so easy for city officials to suggest because they don't concern themselves with realities.

Evanston's branch libraries are an important part of the local neighborhoods and must be preserved. It is important to let Evanston city managers and officials know that you will not tolerate the closing of the branch libraries.


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